Poems about Tommy:
More Than Beautiful
More than beautiful,
I hear your voice
And I start to cry,
Hearing the song
Deep within your soul.
Your words, your voice,
They comfort me,
And make me believe
In a better world.
More than beautiful,
Behind those big eyes
And charming pout,
I see the man inside,
The lonely man who
Wants to be a star.
You've already
Broken my heart.
More than beautiful,
You shine like a light
In the darkness
That is my life,
Guiding me through
Every day,
Please take me away
To eternity!
- Melissa Palmer, 1978
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My Time Will Come
Look up in the sky
And see the stars so bright
The crescent moon
Hangs inbetween the clouds.
I often think of you
On a night like this,
And remember your voice above
The roaring crowd.
And I want to thank you
For all the dreams you give me.
My time will come,
When I can look into your eyes
And say that I love you.
Look out at the waves
And hear the roaring surf,
A lonely seagull
Hangs above the sea.
I often think of you
On a day like this,
And see your smiling face
Floating before me.
And I want to thank you
For all the songs you've sung.
My time will come,
When I can hold your hand in mine
And say that I love you.
Look out at the crowd
And see a sea of faces,
A lonely fan steps out
Into the aisle.
I can only think of you
At a time like this,
And listen to your songs
For just a little while.
And I want to thank you
For all the joy you've brought me.
My time will come,
When I can touch your face
And say that I love you.
I just want to touch your heart
And say....thank you!
- Melissa Palmer, 2002
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For Tommy and Jeanne
(For their wedding)
Have A Safe One,
Have A Most Happy One,
On This The Coming Year,
Two Thousand And One.
May All Your Wishes,
May All Your Dreams,
May They All Come True,
For the both of You.
For You Are A Light,
That Shines So Bright,
For You Are Loved,
Both Day And Night.
For You Are there,
Far Or Near,
From Coast To Coast,
You Fly.
Thank You For Your Inspiration,
Thank You For Your Dedication,
Thank You For The Joy You Bring,
Thank You For Everything.
Here's To You Both,
For Two Thousand And One,
For You Two Have Joined,
To Become One.
- Janet Rud, 2000
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The Power of Mother Earth
I've got a man
And he comes to me in visions
He gives to me his love
And he makes me feel a woman
I am Woman
I am Warrior
I've got the power of Mother Earth
I am Woman
I am Warrior
I've got the power to give birth
Well I held on to my dreams
Making plans in store
To find the nearest mountains
Where our dreams begin a war
Repeat Chorus
A war to recover
All lost and stolen dreams
Beginning my new destiny
Of truly being me
Repeat Chorus
High atop this mountain
I soon begin to feel
This woman I'm becoming
So powerful and real
Repeat Chorus
Outlined in a vision
His image will guide me
To unlock the love that's inside of me
Repeat Chorus
- Roxanne Money, 2003
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In Your Presence
When I am in your presence,
It doesn't seem to make sense,
For a woman like me to be on fire.
I don't really have a choice.
When I hear your golden voice,
It fills my heart with desire.
But you don't know who I am.
To you, I'm just another fan
Singing along to the music.
You've given me the will to live
With all the love I have to give,
Rekindling an ancient instinct.
I can feel your energy
Reaching out to capture me,
Absorbing the spirit of your song.
So, I'll reflect that song to you,
And I'll return that gift to you.
In your presence is where I belong.
- Melissa Palmer, 2003
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Poems About Dennis:
Coming to the River
When you walked into my life,
How was I to know
That things would be so different
As I watch the river flow.
Now everywhere I turn,
I can hear your voice.
It's floating in the air
And it seems I have no choice.
So lead me to the water
Like a child needs a father.
You are everything to me,
My morning, noon, and night.
I know I can't explain it,
But it just feels so right!
And deep inside I know,
You're my master and my saint.
I look up to you, dear man,
Without any restraint.
So lead me to the water
Like a sacrificial daughter.
So I've come here to the river.
'Cause I thirst for what you know.
Please share with me your secrets
As you put on the show.
Your music mystifies me.
I'm baffled! I can't think!
So I've come here to the water
To take another drink.
So lead me to the water
Like a young calf to the slaughter.
- Melissa Palmer, 1977
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Poems About Larry:
Larry's Song
Under an August moon,
I saw you wave hello.
A stranger with a smile,
I didn't know who you were.
You sang me a love song,
As your voice filled the night,
But I didn't want to listen.
My mind was on someone else.
When I saw you again,
Your laughter made me smile.
I saw the joy on your face,
And I slowly changed.
You sang me a love song,
As your voice lifted my soul.
I listened to every word,
But I wouldn't open the door.
Who are you, sweet stranger,
To come into my world?
How dare you find my secrets,
And make me vulnerable!
You sang me a love song,
As your voice melted my heart.
I wanted to hear more,
But it was much too late.
Under an Equinox moon,
I fell in love with you,
But you just left me there,
Red tail lights fading away.
You sang me a love song,
As your voice echoed the stars,
And I stood in the road,
Waving goodbye to my heart.
- Melissa Palmer, 2002
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He laughs, he smiles, he sings
His heart out to the crowd.
He moves across the stage
With graceful energy.
I stand in awe, my eyes
Never leaving his face.
He makes me feel like a
Primitive woman on fire.
I want to touch him,
Hold him in my burning arms,
But I can only have him
In my fantasies.
He belongs to another,
But for these brief hours,
He can share himself
From upon the stage.
I love this man!
I don't want this night to end!
- Melissa Palmer, 2003
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(Influenced by the Gorge Amphitheatre)
On a warm, spring night
On a mountaintop,
Under a sky of cobalt blue,
A silver voice echoes among
The ragged clifftops.
I am caught by the spell
You have drawn upon
The fading twilight.
In your magic hands,
You wield the power of music.
A mighty sound emanates
From your presence,
Astounding all.
I hear the call and follow,
Unable to resist.
Lead me down your path,
And I will follow in the stardust
Your footsteps leave behind.
- Melissa Palmer, 2003
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Full Moon Over Toronto
(Ode to Larry's Ass)
It's a wonderful thing when the lights go down,
And a beautiful moon rises above the stage.
Hanging in black leather,
It rotates wildly among the other stars.
Surely nothing else like it
Exists in the universe!
We gasp in awe as it spins on its axis,
Shaking, trembling, as if
An earthquake took both hemispheres
And turned them upside down.
We are dazzled by the curviture,
The apex, the torque, gleaming in bright light,
Our eyes blinded as it moves quickly
From ultraviolet haze into infrared glow.
We are drawn to its luminescence,
Captured by its gravitational pull,
Inevitably warped by the vector
Of our approach to its smooth, round surface.
Locked in endless freefall,
We tumble down into ecstatic bliss.
Houston, we have a problem,
But we don't want to be rescued!
- Melissa Palmer, 2003
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Queenie's Parodies:
Kiss the Words Goodbye (Sung to the tune of "Kiss Your Ass Goodbye"
Here we go again
The verse is over and it's chorus time again
All eyes are on me, but the next lines that I need
To sing have vanished from my memory.
Just seconds left to go
The venue's loaded, but the words I just don't know
The guitar solo is now coming to an end
And all I can do is try to pretend...
That I know the words to sing
Guess I may as well just
Kiss the words goodbye
Almost chorus time
Was doing ok, it's just my luck
All alone, can't pass the buck
Oh, kiss the words goodbye
Can this be true?
Time is nearly here, there's nothing I can do
Guess I'll just have to go buy post-it notes to stick
Onto my bass after the concert's through
If I write the lyrics small
I'll use them tomorrow
Kiss the words goodbye
What the heck's my line?
I can't understand, where did I go wrong
Especially when I wrote the song
Oh, kiss the words goodbye
Everybody's memory falters sometimes
Just a shame it happened during showtime
Since we're live, there's no way we can rewind
It's time to sing my line
ebda ne nyeh deh de laaa
hah nah lala la la laaalaaa
Kiss the words goodbye
I messed up bigtime
It doesn't seem fair, they'll make such a fuss
I'll hear about it on the bus
Oh, kiss the words goodbye
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Too Much Styx On My Screen (Sung to the tune of "Too Much Time On My Hands")
Well, I'm sittin' at this PC
and I'm starin' at this blank screen
I just pushed the 'ON' button...
And I'm READY.. I'm SET
To go surf on the 'net
Yeah, I'll admit, I'm a glutton
Is it any wonder I've got eyes left?
Is it any wonder I see at all?
Well, I'm sending out those IM's and
I'm bugging all my Styx friends for
details on last night's show...
"Oh, this dude caught a stick" and
"Some gal got a pick"
"I ended up in the front row!"
Is it any wonder I'm feeling envious?
Is it any wonder I'm turning green?
Is it any wonder I've got...
Too much STYX on my screen
Jpegs and bitmaps and videos
I've got Too much STYX on my screen
Screen savers, gif files and slide shows
I've got Too much STYX on my screen
JY's runnin' around while Tommy is gettin' down!
Too much STYX on my screen
Too much STYX on my screen
Too much STYX on my screen
Now, all us fans are talkin'
About Tommy Shaw walkin'
In those cool leopard print pants
And we've all had a chance
To go and catch a glance
Of Glen's famous Burtnik Bass Dance
Is it any wonder I'm watching Larry leap?
Is it any wonder Todd rocks my world?
Is it any wonder I've got...
Too much STYX on my screen
Scans of my band towels and polaroids
I've got Too much STYX on my screen
Folders of midis and Mp3's
I've got Too much STYX on my screen
Glen and Todd keep the beat... Larry flies 'n lands on his feet
Too much STYX on my screen
Too much STYX on my screen
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(Sung to the tune of "Shooz")
Well it's Friday night and I'm online
Reading new posts till my eyes turn square
Just read one all about eBay
And an auction that is happenin' over there
So I ran to the website
For some autograph material
And there it is, Tommy Shaw's old shoe!
The bid is unbelieveable
How I want it!
I really need it!
Tommyyyyyyyy's '84 left shoe!!
Well up and up that bid will go
The reserve now far out of sight
Looks like another bid war
Another all-out online fight
Bids comin' in from all over
All across the USA...
'glenofstyx' put in a real big bid
Could that be Burtnik??? Nah! No way!
I wanna get it!
I gotta have it!
Tommyyyyyyyy's '84 left shoe!!
(guitar solos)
I can't afford it!
I have to own it!
Tommyyyyyyyy's '84 left shoe!!
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The Twelve Days of Styxmas
(Sung to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas")
On the 1st day of STYXmas, a Styx fan showed to me
a Brave New World for you and me
On the 2nd day of STYXmas, a Styx fan showed to me
2 Live Polaroids...
and a Brave New World for you and me
On the 3rd day of STYXmas, a Styx fan showed to me
3 Chat Rooms...
2 Live Polaroids...
and a Brave New World for you and me
On the 4th day of STYXmas, a Styx fan showed to me
4 Photos of Glen
3 Chat Rooms... 2 Live Polaroids...
and a Brave New World for you and me
On the 5th day of STYXmas, a Styx fan showed to me
4 Photos of Glen
3 Chat Rooms... 2 Live Polaroids...
and a Brave New World for you and me
On the 6th day of STYXmas, a Styx fan showed to me
6 Streaming Webcasts...
4 Photos of Glen
3 Chat Rooms...
2 Live Polaroids...
and a Brave New World for you and me
On the 7th day of STYXmas, a Styx fan showed to me
7 Leaping Larry's...
6 Streaming Webcasts...
4 Photos of Glen
3 Chat Rooms...
2 Live Polaroids...
and a Brave New World for you and me
On the 8th day of STYXmas, a Styx fan showed to me
8 Backstage Passes...
7 Leaping Larry's...
6 Streaming Webcasts...
4 Photos of Glen 3 Chat Rooms...
2 Live Polaroids...
and a Brave New World for you and me
On the 9th day of STYXmas, a Styx fan showed to me
9 Notes from Tommy...
8 Backstage Passes...
7 Leaping Larry's...
6 Streaming Webcasts...
4 Photos of Glen
3 Chat Rooms...
2 Live Polaroids...
and a Brave New World for you and me
On the 10th day of STYXmas, a Styx fan showed to me
10 Picks on eBay...
9 Notes from Tommy...
8 Backstage Passes...
7 Leaping Larry's...
6 Streaming Webcasts...
4 Photos of Glen
3 Chat Rooms...
2 Live Polaroids...
and a Brave New World for you and me
On the 11th day of STYXmas, a Styx fan showed to me
11 Tribute Websites...
10 Picks on eBay...
9 Notes from Tommy...
8 Backstage Passes...
7 Leaping Larry's...
6 Streaming Webcasts...
4 Photos of Glen
3 Chat Rooms...
2 Live Polaroids...
and a Brave New World for you and me
On the 12th day of STYXmas, a Styx fan showed to me
12 Best Of Albums...
11 Tribute Websites...
10 Picks on eBay...
9 Notes from Tommy...
8 Backstage Passes...
7 Leaping Larry's...
6 Streaming Webcasts...
4 Photos of Glen
3 Chat Rooms...
2 Live Polaroids...
and a Brave New World for you and me
- Queenie
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Poems About Glen:
Without Intention
A murmur ripples through the crowd around me
Feeling lost in a dark and smoky world
while shards of broken dreams lie glistening
on the shadowed streets of my memory
You take your place, center stage...
I look up to you, standing within your spotlight
Your eyes catch mine and you smile your welcome
I cannot help but to smile in response
Notes cascade forth, casting a spell of silence...
Your voice fills up the quiet place in my soul
as the melodies you play dance upon my heart
My eyes see the universe your words create
Cheers and applause burst from the audience...
Without intention, you lift my spirit high and far
Inviting me into your land of light and sound
Making my world a better place by being part of it
The lights fade...and I smile again.
- Queenie, 2002
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Poems About JY:
Toward You
I'm just a dreamer in a world of reason,
Looking up to you.
You are my spirit and my inspiration,
This much I know is true.
You are the song resonating clear.
You are the breath that I hold so dear.
I'm just a woman who loves too deeply,
Calling out to you.
I'm just a face in a sea of faces,
Reaching out to you.
My whole world is wrapped around this moment.
What else can I do?
You are the star shining in my sky.
Don't ask for a reason,I can't tell you why.
I'm just a woman on a lifelong journey,
Traveling toward you.
- Melissa Palmer, 2003
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